Setting up an Employee Ownership Trust? You need a video.

Video is a powerful tool to communicate the transition to employee ownership.

Over the last two decades, Chocolate Films has been helping businesses with their internal communications. Recently clients have tasked us with the complex brief of letting large teams of employees know that their company’s ownership is being transferred to an Employee Owned Trust (EOT). Handled with care, the communication benefits of this kind of corporate video production can be enormous.

The move to employee ownership is a significant milestone in the life of any business. It represents not only a shift in ownership but a change in culture, strategy, and the future direction of the company. However, the complexity of the EOT model can often leave employees feeling uncertain or overwhelmed. This is where the power of video communication comes into play. At Chocolate Films, we have extensive experience in using video to effectively convey the intricacies of EOTs. Our goal is to make it easier for everyone within an organization to understand and embrace this new chapter.

Making Complex Financial Models Understandable

Employee Ownership Trusts are complex financial structures that can be challenging to explain. They involve legal jargon, financial terminology, and new concepts that may be unfamiliar to many employees. This complexity can create confusion. This can in turn can lead to uncertainty and even resistance to change.

Video is an incredibly effective medium for breaking down these complexities. At Chocolate Films, we often use animation to visually represent the EOT process. Animation can simplify abstract ideas, making them more tangible and easier to grasp. Visually mapping out how an EOT works can help employees understand what it means for the company and for them personally.

For example, we might use an animated flowchart to illustrate how ownership is transferred from the previous owners to the trust, and how this benefits the employees. We can also use visual metaphors. These visual aids help everyone, regardless of their financial knowledge, to comprehend the changes taking place.

Diagram showing how employee ownership works

Answering Immediate Employee Questions

When a company transitions to an EOT, employees will inevitably have questions. Some of the most common ones include: “Does this mean I’m a shareholder?” “What difference will this make to how much I earn?” and “When do we start seeing benefits?” These questions are not only common but also critical to how employees perceive the change.

Video allows these questions to be addressed directly and effectively. Well-crafted scripts and clear, concise messaging, can ensure that the key questions are answered in an informative and reassuring way. The video can anticipate these questions,  provide immediate answers, reduce uncertainty and help employees feel more comfortable with the transition.

At Chocolate Films, we work closely with businesses to identify the most pressing concerns of their teams. We then create video content that speaks directly to these issues. 

Direct Communication from Key Leaders

In any major organizational change, it can be incredibly reassuring for employees to hear from senior management. A change of ownership of any kind can be particularly disorienting, as it could impact the company’s mission and values. Video offers a platform for key leaders to speak directly to their teams, provide clarity and reinforce a sense of continuity.

A well-produced video can feature the company’s CEO or founder explaining why the decision to move to an EOT was made. They can map out what it means for the future of the company, and how it aligns with the business’s core values. This direct communication helps to personalise the message and make it more relatable to employees. It also gives leaders the opportunity to express their commitment to the company and its employees, which can be incredibly reassuring during times of change.

At Chocolate Films, we understand the importance of maintaining a connection between leadership and staff during a transition. Our videos are designed to capture the essence of this relationship, ensuring that the message is delivered with sincerity and authenticity. We work closely with our clients to ensure that the tone and style of the video reflect the company’s culture, making it a true representation of the business.

Communicating Corporate Personality Through Video

Every company has its own unique personality, and this should be reflected in all communications, especially during significant changes like a transition to an EOT. Video is an excellent medium for showcasing your company’s culture, values, and identity.

At Chocolate Films, we pride ourselves on creating videos that are informative, engaging and reflective of the businesses we work with. We take the time to understand your company’s brand and ethos, and we ensure that this is communicated through every aspect of the video. From the choice of music and visuals to the tone of the script and the style of animation, we carefully align every element with your corporate personality.

For instance, if your company is known for its innovative approach, we might incorporate cutting-edge animation techniques or dynamic visual effects to reflect this. And if your business prides itself on its close-knit, family-like culture? We may use a more personal, heartfelt approach, featuring testimonials from employees or a behind-the-scenes look at the company. Whatever your unique personality, we’ll ensure that it shines through in the final product.

The Lasting Impact of Video Communication

The benefits of using video to communicate the transition to an EOT extend beyond the initial roll-out. Videos can be revisited by employees at any time. They become a valuable resource for new starters or existing employees who need to refresh their understanding. This lasting impact makes video a cost-effective and efficient communication tool.

Moreover, video can play a crucial role in ongoing employee engagement. As the company evolves under the EOT model, additional videos can update employees on the progress and success of the trust. This continuous communication helps reinforce the benefits of the EOT and keeps employees informed and motivated.

Contact Chocolate Films for your EOT video.

Transitioning to an Employee Ownership Trust is a significant step for any business, and communicating this change effectively to employees is crucial to its success. Video offers a powerful way to make complex information accessible, address employee concerns, and maintain a strong connection between leadership and staff. At Chocolate Films, we are trusted by major accountancy firms, as we have extensive experience in creating videos that not only inform but also engage and inspire. By using video to communicate your transition to an EOT, you can ensure that your employees fully understand and embrace this exciting new chapter in your company’s journey.

If your business is considering or has already embarked on the transition to an EOT, we’re here to help you communicate this change in the most effective way possible. Let’s work together to create a video that reflects your company’s unique personality and ensures a smooth, successful transition.

If you’d like to talk further and see some examples of previous work just get in touch!


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